

Hi Mary,

Wiki says "Turnpike 6.07 can be run on the 32-bit version of Windows 7, but
not on the initial release of the 64-bit version" but, I suspect the time
has come to lay Turnpike to rest. I have happy memories of using earlier
versions from about 1995 when it was a big step forward from what I had been
using in those early days when the Web had yet to arrive on the Internet.

Given my recent rant on another list you may be surprised to know I use and
quite like Outlook 2007. I tried Thunderbird a couple of years ago and quite
liked it to, but Outlook had the edge for me, Thunderbird has move on and
this would be my Son's recommendation today.


Ewan Davis - Director - Woodcote Consulting
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-----Original Message-----
From: GP-UK [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Mary Hawking
Sent: 28 January 2010 10:43
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Turnpike, Windows 7 and recommendations for a Windows 7 compliant
mail client

I bought a new, Windows 7 computer - and have found that it is not able 
to handle Turnpike: it can download email quite happily in Turnpike 
Connect but not open Turnpike to read them - so I now have 5 unread 
emails which I cannot access or read! ;-<

So can anyone help?
1. I really like Turnpike: is there a workaround other than the one 
suggested when I Google - install XP in a partition - which might cause 
problems linking with things in the Windows 7 area (or would it?)
Keeping the old PC just for email is not an acceptable option!
2. Is there any way of taking the 5 emails out and back into the old 
3. any recommendations for a Windows 7 compatible mail reader?
4. how do you export past mail and address books from Turnpike into 
another mail client and then to a new PC?

5. and while I'm at it, how do I move my Zotero and bookmarks?

Many thanks for any help - or direction to help -

Mary Hawking