

Dear all,

I would appreciate if you could avertise the PhD project below to anyone who may be interested.

Kind regards,


Importance of waterborne seed dispersal for conservation of alder-dominated riparian woodlands

Black alder, Alnus glutinosa Gaertn, is the most abundant native tree in Scottish riparian woodlands where it plays a key ecological role. Despite its importance in riparian ecosystem function, the reproduction and dispersal dynamics of the species has been little studied. Seeds are small and equipped with air-filled wings that enable them to float. Long-distance water dispersal of seeds for several km is therefore believed to be driven by flowing water. This project proposes to investigate the relationship between river flow dynamics and and river margin colonisation by alder via waterborne seed dispersal in a river catchment using a landscape genetics approach. Field activities will be based in Scotland; in the river Tay catchment which contains large areas of undisturbed alder dominated floodplain habitat of high nature conservation value. Laboratory activities will involve genotyping of microsatellite markers to detect patterns of seed-mediated gene dispersal. The project will offer scope to develop a geographically-explicit model integrating ecological and genetics data in order to investigate how landscape characteristics, such as fragmentation by dams and flood embankments, affects dispersal distance and connectivity of alder-dominated riparian woodlands and thus inform their conservation management.

The project will require a combination of field work, molecular biology, data analysis and modeling. Individuals with an interest in ecological genetics are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will join the restoration genetics group in the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Stirling.

To apply please email Dr Bacles ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) a CV and personal statement of research interests with contact details of two referees.

Closing date for application: 15 February 2010.

The applicant MUST have a good 1st degree (at least a 2.1) and/or MSc in a relevant subject. Applications are expected all year round but those sent by 15/02/2010 will be eligible to enter our studentship competition. We expect applications to be highly competitive. Although no deadline has yet been fixed, interviews are likely to take place in February-March 2010. Self-funded students are welcome to apply at anytime (please check<> or for updates).


Cecile FE Bacles Ph.D.
Lecturer in Ecological Genetics
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
University of Stirling
Cottrell Building 4B148
Stirling FK9 4LA
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 46 ext 6897
Email:[log in to unmask]

Registration Now Open! Ecological Genetics Group 54th Meeting 6-8 April 2010

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The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, 
 number SC 011159.