Translating coot?  With google, that's a doddle!

French:  foulque f
Spanish: focha
Portuguese:  galeirão


On 28/01/2010 10:50, Paul Emsley wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">Kevin Cowtan wrote:
Ezra Peisach wrote:
I move that the names in the scheme scripts be changed to the american names and that a new script "British.scm" be put in place.

Well, that's just crazy talk. The scripting interface should clearly use the established language of science, which transcends national boundaries and has been the lingua franca for the bulk of the history of science.

I therefore propose that Coot scripting interface be translated to Latin.

There may be some technical neologisms which do not yet have appropriate Latin equivalents. I'm sure these people will be glad to help...

At some stage I (at least) would like to have the GUI translated into various languages.  We have a start for Spanish and French and I'd like others, for example Chinese, Japanese and Portuguese, So we'll be putting out a call for translators later (Latin_Vatican is a possibility). No time to look at this before next year though.
