

I have a legacy code that statically allocates a very large 1-dimensional workspace array and then equivalences it to a 2-dimensional array of the same size because some subroutines require this workspace to be divided into 3 different parts.  I want to convert the array to be dynamically-allocated, but I still need a way to address it both as buf(i) and buf2(i,j).  Array reshaping seems to create a second array of a different shape, passing the values of the first array to the second.  I want them to share memory space.  Any suggestions would be helpful!

Naomi Greenberg

Member of the Reseearch Staff

RIverside Research Institute

156 William Street

New York, N.Y. 10038

(212) 502-1718 (phone)

(212) 502-1729 (fax)

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