

Hi Ethan,
Your effort to play devils advocate is appreciated - I have not seen much 
debate on the applicability of TLS so at risk of diverging into a separate 

I would not argue that TLS is necessarily a valid model for correlated motion in 
proteins because it 'works' in fitting the available Bragg data (or B-factors) 
which only measure the amplitudes of the atomic displacements. Many 
different models of correlation might be paramaterized to fit the conventional 
crystal data and the real benefit of doing the TDS analysis is that it is 
sensitive to the nature of correlations atomic motions. 

Suppose all atoms have about the same temperature factor. In this case we 
get a perfect TLS model with just the T and have the whole protein rigid and 
moving in perfect correlation. Equally well we might think that all atoms are 
independent oscilliators in similar microenvironments with there is no 
correlation at all (this is the Einstein model of a solid!). Seems like the TLS 
model will always tend to lump motions into an overall T and overestimate this 
component. This thought experiment can be extended with atoms on the 
outside having more motion just because they are freer to move and not 
necessarily indictating that the protein is oscillating about a center (LS).

TDS is definately difficult to analyze because for normal globular proteins it 
tends to look like other 'uninteresting' sources of background scatter and is 
difficult to separate out (I think Colin made this point). However, I'm not sure 
that I would agree that the jury is really out on the simple TLS models since 
there are a lot of decent biophysical probes of correlated motion in proteins 
that should be able to support this picture if it were correct. These include 
inelastic neutron scattering experiements (Cusak), Mossbauer experiments 
with Fe in myoglobin (Parak) and measurements of backbone dynamics on 
interleukin-1b by NMR (Clore). It seems to me that these studies all indicate 
that ambient motions in protein are dominated by fast, local, rattling 
movements. In particular, the measurements of normal mode spectra have the 
lowest order modes (equivalent to the TLS parameters) as relatively small 
contributors to the overall motion.

Of course I appeciate the attempts to advance the crystallographic 
refinement models for B-factors beyond the simple local restraints devised by 
Konnert and Hendrickson over 30 years ago and that we still use almost 
