

Dear Colleagues,
as you may know, we have received many proposals for the thematic 
sessions of the 2010 ICAZ conference.
We would like to remind you that it is also important to pre-register, 
especially for those of you who will apply for financial support.

To pre-register, please, fill the application form request available at 
the following link:

Some of you may have faced some difficulties in the process: we draw 
your attention to some tricky points:
- it is important to fill all the required field. In particular, you are 
not obliged to tick the first fields "Dr/Prof", but you *must *tick one 
of the second fields "Mr/Mrs/Miss".
- if you get an error message at the end of the process, *be sure to 
check again all the fields*: you may have to fill again some of them...
- if you want to apply for financial support, please *fill all the 
fields*. The Organizing Committee will not be able to take into account 
incomplete forms.

Best regards,

The Organizing Committee