Dear SPMers,
I met some problem and couldn't solve it after many tries. Now it is geting worse.
The problem is like this:
1) Do a paired t-test on 12 paired scans. At the stage of "Result", an error occured:
                       ??? Error using ==> image
                       Error using ==> image
                       Image CData can not be complex
                       Error in ==> spm_conman at 975
                                   hDesMtxIm = image((varargin{2}.nKX+1)*32);
                       Error in ==> spm_conman at 944
                                   spm_conman('ImDesMtx',xX,H.hDesMtxAx) %-Depict DesMtx
    Debugging found that SPM.xX.nKX was cpmplex, which came from W (spm_spm.m at line 460)
                                                                                     "xX.xKXs   = spm_sp('Set',spm_filter(xX.K,W*xX.X)); "
    What was surprising is that only one of my three computer with the same software and config met this error, while other two run normally.
    Neither reboot mathine or reinstall the spm can solve this.
2)After debugging, another computer also met the error. However, no config was changed.
Now, I really don't know how the problem comes and how to solve it. It is so strange.
My Version information:
SPM5: 3270 VBM: v1.19
MATLAB Version (R2008a)
MATLAB License Number: 161051
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
Java VM Version: Java 1.6.0 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM mixed mode
Any advice and help will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards.

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA)
No.95 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing, China
Post Code: 100190