Dear Jean (and Everyone) 

Very busy weekend drafting a proposal for a SAGE Handbook for mentoring and coaching
so I apologise for the delay in responding to your inspiring invitations to comment further. 

re.  I agree that the one of the Big Questions is clarifying our vision(s) for the future of research in Education. This need to generate visions from within the discipline is one of the reasons why I am so wary of developments to push “capacity building” towards the generation of research outputs that have high currency within quality assessment funding exercises.

I think no one way is THE way in this case - building capacity is vision building into reality and it is also about practicalities of making research undertaken by teachers and teacher educators more visible i.e. Web2

For example, I love reading Bridget's postings and I was curious to see Bridget (!) too so I GOOGLED in your name and up came Teachers TV. That's just brilliant!  How can we assist the visibility of research that is being undertaken and which could so usefully be shared?  This week again I will be examining numerous dissertations about mentoring and coaching. I get to read these - but who else does?  I really support the creation of web-based journals (suitably refereed by external as well as internal referees) where students (teachers, teacher educators) publish.
KEEP Toolkit templates where you just circulate a URL (I'm addicted!) provide another way of disseminating knowledge.  How else might we disseminate knowledge created by teachers and teacher educators...? Across the UK there are 1000s of PhD theses that contain knowledge  potentially vital to improving education.  There are journals but unless you're affiliated to an HEI (or pay for an individual subscription access) might be restricted.  It is about vision. I completely agree with you, Jean.

Plenty of time to develop ideas here - on this list - if we all would like to,
