*** This email has been sent from the MEDIA ARTS AND DANCE email forum. To respond to all subscribers email [log in to unmask] *** Hello all,

this is an email a bit out of the ordinary but I would still like to share it with the group because I personally admire and feel inspired by this artist's and friend's email that I just received. The artist is Kate E. Deeming who just danced for solid 24hours for charity and the following message describes her time doing it:

“I mean this is nice and all, but what you are doing means sweet f*** all”
spurted the young Glaswegian man passionately as he loomed in my personal space blocking two Indian men who had stopped to speak to me about what I was doing.

It was after three in the morning; I had been dancing for over 17 hours solid and had very little feeling in my feet.

“And they know f*** all” he iterated referring to the Indian men and proceeding to lay out a litany of problems in Africa- child prostitution, malaria, drugs, violence…..

“Sweet f*** all”? I thought.

Conversely earlier in the evening a homeless man had emptied his pockets of change citing,
“I’ve done ok today, so I want you to have this. I’ve been watching you all day and I know you’re good”.


I had danced with groups of goth teens, Indian students, toddlers who thought I was a Faerie.... Twenty of my friends had volunteered to rotate over the 24 hours to make sure I was safe, fed, watered and supported and danced along side me....Other friends stopped by with soup and chocolate and words of encouragement.

“Sweet f*** all”?

I was wearing the pink gown from Paris I had donned for my first Cannes red carpet seven years ago, the big pink wig I wore whilst doing performance art in Prague eight years ago, a red nose painted with geisha clown paint from a performance in Tokyo two years ago. Wearing my history, I looked like a glamorous clown.

“Sweet f*** all”?

What if it were true? What if I believed him?

Sure I am fully aware that my dancing is not in any way a substitute for anti-malarial drugs, for placing children in safe environments where they are not at risk for exploitation, for bread and safe water….

But we are so reactionary aren’t we? I don’t know, but it seems that too often there is a prioritizing of disaster. There’s this hierarchy and once people are in what is perceived to be in the ‘orange’ zone the ‘help’ leaves. And (for the most part) safety is only gauged on physical terms.

It’s like comparing drowning and cancer.

I consider the deprived communities of Glasgow, where the closure of shipyards and industries has created generations of depression, dependency and disconnection to the possibilities of life.

I think if we get rid of poverty in the physical sense- we get rid of hunger, we get rid of disease, war, disaster…then what?

I want to live in a world that is joyful.

But why wait? You reap what you sow.

“Sweet f*** all”?

Oh I certainly hope not. I hope my life is worth more than that. I hope my time is worth more than that. I hope that the world is left in a better condition when I go then when I arrived.

Then I suppose that is what we all hope for. That is the struggle, to feel that what you are doing IS worth a f***ing lot thank you very much.

I don’t promise to end the world’s problems but I can try and bring some little peace into the world, and maybe that is what is important.

So I’ll keep dancing.

Thanks so much for those folks who think also that this ISN’T worth “sweet f*** all” – to all the donors, my wonderful friends who came to support me both on the physical and metaphysical plane, and my family for teaching me the importance of dancing in the first place. I could not have done it without you.

We have raised close to £8000!

We are still waiting to hear back on some funding applications but in the meantime if you can manage to spare a few pennies to help make up the shortfall it is appreciated in more ways then you can imagine.

You will note we have had to split the project. Originally we were going to go to India and Sri Lanka with 6 artists, but due to the funding shortfall and some grant monies not coming through we have to create separate funds and shave the budget down considerably (also we are travelling with five artists instead of six).

The Tamil Nadu project is still happening (it is an ongoing project) but I will not be involved with it this time round. The costs of bringing UK artists to two countries was too great. If you donated funds but really wanted to support the Indian component only, please let me know.

I will have some photos to share soon!

Wishing you much love, and many blessings
I’m off to soak my feet….
Kate E. xx


Special THANKS to all those who supported me!


Dance Peace



Saturday 5 December-Sunday 6 December


 Argyle Street, Glasgow (pedestrian bit near Next, intersection Queen St.)





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