


Apologies if this is something that has been discussed in the past, I am new
to the group and also new to museum education and would really appreciate
some advice.


I am preparing an activity pack to send to local schools containing
workshops relating to Citizenship for KS3 and 4 that can be done in the
classroom- this is an attempted solution to not having drawn in as many
schools as I would have liked for visits as part of a grant-funded programme
I've just completed.  I am sending about 12 packs to local secondary
schools, addressed to the Head of School where I don't have a personal
contact, and of those 12 I have 3 or 4 personal contacts who have either
visited in the past, or expressed interest in visiting but were unable to do
so for various reasons.


My question is, what sort of evaluation materials could I include?  I would
like to be able to find out if any of the teachers ever actually use the
material I'm providing, and what they thought of it.  Would my normal
evaluation forms suffice?  I haven't found it that difficult to chase up
evaluations from teachers doing on-site workshops, but is it unrealistic to
expect to ever hear back from groups I'm essentially contacting unsolicited?


Thanks in advance!


Susan Buhr

Curator- Hampstead Museum at Burgh House
phone: 02074310144
Please note my usual working days are Wednesday and Friday only.