

Hi all,

I have a little question about what could be submitted to the sge for parallel execution.

At this moment I have set up the sge system and it works very well with BedpostX.. each core of my grid executes bedpost estimation on one slice.

On some things are reported, but or I miss something or I don't well understand.

I tried to lunch ProbtrackX from the GUI in a sge-capable system. Then the message "job submitted to queue"  appeared. I went on the "job control" on the qmon utility and I saw only one process running..

This is what I understand: FDT GUI submit to the cluster the probtrackx process, but the process remains only one (in other words the grid sends to the first free host the tractography process, but that host executes the entire tractography). 

Here is my questions: 

1) if I'm not able to execute the tractography process parallelized voxel per voxel (or, at least, slice per slice) of the seed volume, what could be the meaning of submitting probtrackx?
2) also the other tools reported on the web page act as probtrack?

All the best

Dr. Alessio Moscato
Medical Physicist
Medical Physics Dep., Niguarda Hospital
Milan, Italy