

ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science 2010
Call For Papers, final reminder
Deadline December 18th  
Conference dates, Wednesday 14 - Friday 16 April 2010

Conference Registration (including Grand Challenges)
    * Students: £30.00
    * ACM/BCS/BCS Academy Members: £90.00
    * Non-members: £130.00
Areas include but are not limited to:
    * Computer Architectures and Digital Systems
    * Theoretical Computer Science: Algorithms and Complexity
    * Logic and Semantics
    * Non-standard Models of Computation
    * Programming Methods and Languages
    * Software Engineering, and System Design Tools
    * Quantitative Evaluation of Algorithms, Systems, and Networks
    * Artificial Intelligence, Agents, and Machine Learning
    * Computer Networks
    * Distributed and Pervasive Systems
    * Grid Computing and eScience
    * Digital Economy
    * Databases, Information Retrieval and Data Mining, Web  based
    * Human Computer Interaction
    * Robotics and Computer Vision
    * Bioinformatics, Synthetic Biology and Synthetic Chemistry
    * Medical Applications