

Just a correction - ccp4 had NOTHING to do with H32 definitions - just 
followed the wwwPDB requirements.. there were bitter arguments over 
accepting it from many!


Peter Zwart wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
>> R32
>> H32
>> R32 :H
> Correct. These are all hexagonal setting. As far as I know, the
> hexagonal setting of R32 (R32:H) is the first one that comes up in the
> ITvA as is listed a R32. The rhombohedral/primitive setting of R32
> (R32:R) comes second in the ITvA, I guess the first setting takes
> precedence. H32 is a pdb/ccp4ism.
> In my cctbx-skewed view, it looks like this:
> R32 ==  R32:H (== H32; not supported by the cctbx)
> R32:R is the primitive setting of R32:H
> Appending the setting to the space group makes life easier (no
> ambiguities) and you can do more funky stuff if one has the
> stomach/need to do so [like  "P212121 (a+b,a-b,c)" ].