


I don't think it is so simple.

Perhaps I am mistaken, but the load variable function in spm8 appears unable to load, subfields of structure arrays. Perhaps Volkmar could comment on this.

Darren Gitelman, MD

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Clas Linnman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear all,


I have a hopefully simple question:


I want to load a PPI struct (PPI_Hipp.mat) from a directory and use the PPI.ppi vector within the PPI struct as a regressor in my model.

I use the basicIO function "load variables from .mat file" and select my PPI_Hipp.mat. Then I select specified variables

           variables to load

                      Variable name PPI.ppi


But get the error message that PPI.ppi is not a valid MATLAB variable


If I load all variables, which works, I can not access the specific PPI.ppi vector via dependency to enter into my model.


Any ideas where I am going wrong?


