

Stephen and Volkmar,

On a Linux system, I also get the duplicate application tag messages as
below when testing spm8 in my home directory if I use the "addpath ~/spm8"
command to specify the directory location.  For me, the tag messages are
from the matlabbatch/cfg_util.m script in local_initapps when using a ~ path.

With /home a link to /data/home, my directory can be referenced as either of

These MATLAB statements give the tag messages:
    addpath ~/spm8
    which spm
    spm fmri

These MATLAB statements do not:
    addpath /data/home/user/spm8
    which spm
    spm fmri

Kathy Pearson
CU-Boulder Psychology

On Sun, 8 Nov 2009 19:12:22 +0000, Stephen J. Fromm <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I just installed SPM8 on a Red Hat 5.4 box.  I'm running it under Matlab 7.1.
>I had to recompile the mex files (no big problem there).
>After I start SPM and select e.g. fMRI, I get these warnings in the command 
>    Duplicate application tag in applications 'SPM' and 'SPM'
>    Duplicate application tag in applications 'BasicIO' and 'BasicIO'
>Anyone have any idea what this is?  There's nothing on this listserv about 
>this, and the only thing I could find on the web was an unanswered post,