

Hy Marko,
one small bug

Marko Wilke schrieb:
> Hi there,
>> However, I do not get the graph showing the translation and roataion as
>> function of image.
> The graphs may not be saved but you can always recreate them as the data 
> is (of course :) saved in the rp... text file. For later exploration, 
> you can try something like
>   filt = ['^rp_*','.*\.txt$'];
>   a = spm_select(1,'any','Select realignment parameters',[],pwd, filt);
>   [p nm e] = fileparts(a);
>   printfig = figure;
>   set(printfig, 'Name', ['Motion parameters'], 'Visible', 'on');
>   loadmot = load(a);
>   subplot(2,1,1);
>   plot(loadmot(:,1:3));
>   title(['Motion parameters: shifts (top, in mm) and rotations '...
>   '(bottom, in dg)'], 'interpreter', 'none');
>   subplot(2,1,2);
>   plot(loadmot(:,4:6)*180/pi);
>   title(['Data from ' p], 'interpreter', 'none');

you mean:
    title(['Data from ' a], 'interpreter', 'none');
> This graph can then be saved at your leisure :)
> Best,
> Marko

Dr. Michael Erb
Sektion f. experimentelle Kernspinresonanz des ZNS
Abteilung Neuroradiologie, Universitaetsklinikum
Hoppe-Seyler_Str. 3,  D-72076 Tuebingen
Tel.: +49(0)7071/2987753    priv. +49(0)7071/61559
Fax.: +49(0)7071/294371
e-mail: <[log in to unmask]>