Dear SPMers,

How do you manipulate the outputs given by SPM in Matlab, from the command line? For instance, I am provided with an object 'ans', after running a DCM. How can I access every single of its components. I have tried

>> ans.a

but this somewhat deleted 'ans' and it wasn't accessible anymore.

Thanks a million,

Maximilien Chaumon wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">Hi,

I cannot find how SPM computes the brain mask that I get at the output of 1st level estimation.
Even if I do not specify an explicit brain mask, I get one in output. I'm fine with that but I get huge chunks of brain missing (temporal pole in particular) in the output mask.
Is it possible to force computation on the whole volume of my functionals? I've noticed that the signal is bad in the regions that are excluded. Does it make sense to try to include them anyway?


Cedric Ginestet
Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences
NIHR Biomedical Research Centre
Institute of Psychiatry, Box P089
Kings College London
De Crespigny Park
Tel: (+44) 79-2051-3529
Fax: (+44) 20-7402-2150
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