

Dear John et al.,

I have used DARTEL to normalise functional data. Given that DARTEL produces
huge files when normalising whole EPI runs, I ran the GLM on unsmoothed data
in the subject space and wapred the contrast images for the random effects
analysis. this makes several things a bit trickier for rookies like myself,
as I will explain.....

I want to be able to inverse warp a single set of coordinates (i.e. a single
voxel coordinate) from MNI space, back to each of the individual subject
spaces in order to perform a functional connectivity analysis using an ROI
derived from a peak found in the group analysis.

Is there a way I can use the DARTEL transform to perform forward and
backward warps of a single coordinate set? Using segment is was previously
possible to do this with get_orig_coord5.m

This would be VERY useful for a number of things I do.

Looking forward to your repsonses
