Could it be possible to access this references on sacred geometry through the web ??? Please let me know I am interested, many greetings, geisha


Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 13:32:35 -0500
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Neglect
To: [log in to unmask]

Fabulous image. Your paintings so often illustrate what is going on in my head! ......
Some of my work with Sacred Geometry delves into right and left brain thinking and how they can be brought together, and there are those who, throughout history, have sought to prevent this happening in order to retain their own power over others, thus forcing neglect on those they control; but sadly negelecting themselves in the process.
Some of the geometry created by 'dancing planets' - perfectly illustrated in 'A little book of coincidence in the solar system' by John Martineau  - p24/25 The Kiss of Venus and p34 The Cosmic Football, perfectly illustrates this and reflects the geometry I see in your paintings.
Its quite beautiful and all the links are there from macro to micro...
Love Karen

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Rayner (BU) <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 17:03
Subject: Re: Neglect

I think my poem, 'Neglect', represents something of a breakthrough in my understanding of the intransigence that opposes 'natural inclusionality' and why, as well as in understanding my personal feelings.
I believe that 'neglect' is actually used as a technical term to describe the disregard of 'right brain hemisphere' perceptions by positivistic 'left brain' perceptions. In extreme cases of corpus callosum severance, this leads people to deny the existence of one side of a bilaterally symmetrical image when this is placed in front of them, even though they remain 'unconsciously aware' of the 'other half'. It relates very strongly to my 'paper dance' imagery.
For myself, I realize that what resides lovingly and creatively and needfully within me has been neglected all my life. I sense that I am by no means unique in feeling the implications of this neglect: hence it affects 'us' as well as 'me'. It is the neglect of nothing less than our receptive (='negative') soulful presence, which is cast out as hateful 'Shadow'.
Neglect - both reductivistic and holistic - is the way we have been teaching ourselves to think, through abstract rationality, for millennia. This is why I think the involution to 'natural inclusionality' represented in the attached image is so vital.
----- Original Message -----
From: [log in to unmask] href="mailto:[log in to unmask]">Alan Rayner (BU)
To: [log in to unmask] href="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 10:10 AM
Subject: Neglect

Dear All
For your possible attention.
At last I know
What’s been wrong for me
That absence of care
Which leaves you wondering where you are
As the wind howls
Through broken windows to your soul
Framing a derelict construction
In the backyard of inattention
At last I know
What’s been wrong for us
That plain-speaking nonsense
Which leaves out what’s within us
As the mind growls
Against the disruption of its face
Painted on the wall that stands
In the foreground of rejection
Where two sides can never meet
Each seeking the other’s complete defeat
In hollow victory
Where wind howls
As mind growls
Against the dying of the light
Until, at last, a loophole’s found
Where lonely figure finds its place
In ground
Where deserted ground extends its space
Through figure
Each finding life
In the care of the other
Where what’s good for the life and love of both
Is good for the life and love of each
Despite appearances that seem to teach
The need to preserve against the other’s reach

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