

Welcome to Philip Tattersall who joins the e-seminar today. Philip is an environmental 
activist working and researching in Tasmania. His latest book is "Beyond 'No!': Reflections 
and lessons from 36 years experience as a scientist and environmental activist" (2009, 
Tasmania; Resource Publications). Philip writes: 

"I am seeking to bring change by promoting inclusiveness and a sense of support through 
celebration of what I call possibility......And that involves innovation so that the citizenry 
can have its say, can undertake its inquiry and publish its views and discoveries. All a 
challenge to the orthodox channels such as learned journals. That’s why we created the 
Upper Catchment Issues Tasmania Journal. I and my colleagues in TCRA are facilitating 
the development of the inquiring community. Tasmania we say is a special case and we 
build understanding within that context. My story is about and of that!  My current 
institution here in Australia struggles with my idea to tell the within and without through a 
self narrative with me as a special case within a special case – seeking to change the 
outer (Tasmanian Activism)  it wound up changing the inner (me), which then propelled 
further changes and revelations.....inner and outer. But the resistance of the ‘outer’ is 
such that my work is poorly appreciated by the environmental institutions themselves, 
mostly because what I am on about is so different to the current methods that have been 
shaped by the dominant culture ( a strange attractor?)."

You can appreciate Philip's idea of community audit in environmental activism in the 
Upper Catchment Issue at:

Philip - looking forward to your participation in the e-forum

Love Jack.