On 7 Nov 2009, at 22:28, Sonia Hutchison wrote:

A practical point first the link on page 9 http://people.bath.ac.uk/edsajw/naidoo.shtml doesn't work. 

(Thanks for spotting this Sonia - I've fixed the link to Marian's work so it is working now.)

On a more personal level my current thinking is being shaped by some interesting reading:

Alan Wallace's book Choosing Reality; Jon Kabat Zinn's book Full Catastrophe Living; Richard Dawkins book The selfish gene; Andrew Curran's book The Little book of big stuff about the brain.

I'd like to explore the ways in which ideas from such sources are influencing what you are doing as you seek to enhance the pooling of energy, values and understandings with carers. I liked the way that Joan uses Alan Wallace's ideas in her doctoral research on 'Ways of Knowing: Can I find a way of knowing that satisfies my search for meaning?' (see http://www.actionresearch.net/walton.shtml ). 

As you know I'm finding inspirational Andrew's editing of Creativity|Works at http://www.jackwhitehead.com/henon/creativityworkslowah.pdf and I've extracted your contribution and added a couple of video-clips to the first page at: 


(you click on the blue rectangles to access the video-clips).

What I'm hoping is that some of the ideas and forms of visual representation in the joint paper with Alan might be of some use to you in developing a better understanding of the meanings of the expression of the flows of energy and embodied values in what you are doing with carers. I'm thinking here of the importance of extending the influence of what you are doing through sharing explanations of your influence, as in Andrew's edited Creativity|Works.

Looking forward very much to the meeting next Saturday at Liverpool Hope University and to sharing the conversations in the e-seminar. Marian and Shaun are giving presentations in Australia this coming week and I'm hoping to establish a SKYPE link to catch up on what they are doing. Congratulations to Jacqueline Delong who has just heard that her proposal for a presentation on  "Engaging Educators In Representing Their Knowledge In Complex Ecologies And Cultures Of Inquiry," has been accepted for the American Educational Research Association Conference in Denver next April. We've got drafts to look forward to in the New Year. The next issue of the Educational Journal of Living Theories is due out by the end of November and I'll send round the url as soon as Branko posts it.

Love Jack