

Max, you have made a lovely piece here, and the word "Singer" is employed to
fine effect. The restraint shown in the poem creates a very beautiful and
tender feeling, certainly for this reader.

Thank you, Sheila

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Max Richards <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Old Singer Sewing Machine
> This snap of an old black one is handsome,
> but Mother’s was prettier, with flowers –
> my hands touched her feet working the treadle
> driving the big lower wheel turning
> with its loop, a thin strip of leather,
> sending its turning up to the small wheel.
> Singer, I’d say to myself, while the musical
> hum of it speeded up then slowed.
> The shiny flat rectangle the needle entered,
> that slid open and shut – under it
> the tiny shiny reel of cotton she refilled –
> her finicky threading of the needle –
> my fear of its downward stroke so sharp.
> Afternoons, mother’s feet working the treadle.
> A shadow mother at a shadow Singer
> sewed shadows by the real one in the sun.
> Her shadow treadle seesawed against the treadle.
> Her real slippers, soft to touch, glowed gold.
> Max Richards
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