

Hoping someone might be able to help me!  
Have come across interesting ethnographic data RE midwifery perception of 
PPH rates and am trying to test the perception against recorded national 
Not with standing difficulties with definition and EBL etc. etc I am looking for 
rough ball park figures for the last 20 yrs.  While mortality rates from PPH are 
easily available, I am having trouble locating stats on the trends in over all 
incident rates. 
Any suggestions where a stats illiterate researcher should look? 


PS my data suggests midwives think the rate is increasing.  Surprising I think 
given the moving gate posts where a more symptomatic approach is applied in 
the defining process and where an appreciation that physiological third stage 
management is likely to be associated with an increase in initial loss (which, 
incidentally, is considered to be normal)