

Places are available:


Web 2.0: Online communities and social media

Wednesday 10 February, 2010, London


Delegate comments:
'Best ALPSP course I have been to so far!'
C. Chimes, Institution of Mechanical Engineers

'A very good overview and introduction to Web 2.0'
P. Kidd, Oxford University Press

'Course material - Excellent! It was great to have all the information immediately
accessible online and certainly an appropriate medium for the course ... The
instructors did really well to cover a great range of topics in an interesting and
informative manner.... I had a really enjoyable day and learnt a great deal about the
technologies and tools available that can be applied to a journal publishing
environment. Many Thanks!'
R. Walton, PLoS 

'The web is the most disruptive influence on publishing since the invention of movable
type. And now we have at our disposal the most powerful information dissemination tool
in publishing history. If that doesn't make you feel excited then nothing will.' Timo
Hannay, Nature

Web 2.0 principles and practices can allow publishers of all sizes to communicate and
engage effectively with customers and communities in ways radically different from
traditional marketing relationships, resulting in true two-way communication. This
practical course will clear away any perceptions that Web 2.0 is a mix of confusing
jargon and technology, and demonstrate how Web 2.0 thinking and tool use can help
publishers to become more successful.


*	An overview of what tools are out there, what they enable, and what some
organisations have already achieved in utilising them  
*	Practical sessions to illustrate how simply the technologies can be
*	How the tools can then be used for group and specialist community
*	An understanding of the issues and implications of the Web 2.0 world 

Who should attend:
This course is suitable for non-technical staff who have responsibility for
communicating with customers in their widest sense (buyers, potential buyers, readers,
authors and referees), building communities, or driving business developments within
their organisation (e.g. marketing staff, publishers, editors, product managers, and
business development staff).


Further information at:


Our 2010 training courses are available on


NEW 2010 Courses:

Project Management for Publishing:

Taking eBooks to Marketing:


Barbara Holmes
Training Administrator
Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers
Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> 
Tel: +44 (0) 1993 772 727
ALPSP Web Site: <> 

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