

Are you a student looking for a PhD project which combines the mathematics
and computer science aspects of geological data fusion?

Topic: Data storage and analysis of diverse 4D geoscience data sets across
the minerals industry.  
Supervisor: Dr Rob Woodcock, CSIRO, Perth, Australia
Can you take a sparsely sampled space, with some closely sampled data in it
(borehole data – sparse and close depending on the area) then try and mix
the datasets with some seismic or some gravity or hyperspectral data. Apply
(or create) interpolation techniques which can carry confidence metrics with
it or classifiers with confidence metrics and then use the results to
influence or aid decision making with a real geologist in the feedback loop?

Its maths not for maths sake – but maths designed to boost understanding or
aid in decision making, ultimately without the end users needing an in-depth
understanding of the techniques.
We would love to meet anyone who is interested.
Please pass it on to anyone you feel it could apply to.
Klaus Gessner 
Associate Professor

Geothermal Centre of Excellence of Western Australia 
Centre for 3D Mineral Mapping
Centre for Exploration Targeting

School of Earth and Environment, M006
The University of Western Australia 
35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Australia
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
P: +61 8 6488 7148
F: +61 8 6488 1178
M: +61 43 890 8568