Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to contribute to our session at the EGU 2010 (2nd – 7nd May 2010) in Vienna.
Please keep in mind the deadline for abstract submission is the 18 January 2010
and for the submission of support applications is December 4, 2009
session TS8.4 / SM7.3
Episodic deformation related to the seismic cycle - the geological record
The episodic recurrence of large crustal seismic events can lead to deformation at varying stress and strain rate conditions in short time scales along the seismic fault zone and in areas adjacent to the base of the seismogenic layer. During the coseismic period of seismic ruptures, the stresses and strain-rates are increasing and fluid pressures may drop resulting from an enhanced permeability due to seismic fracturing processes. During the interseismic period, stresses and strain rates relax and the structural permeability is reduced by healing and sealing processes, causing the restoration of fluid pressure. The systematically varying deformation conditions through the seismic cycle are reflected by characteristic (micro-) structures in the affected rocks, e.g., pseudotachylytes, gouges, healing/sealing structures and overprint of brittle microstructures by crystal-plastic microstructures. Reading and understanding the geological record is critical, as it is frequently the only access, especially in deeper parts of the fault zone and in areas adjacent to the base of the seismogenic layer.
We welcome innovative and stimulating contributions addressing interseismic and coseismic deformation in the oceanic and continental lithosphere through the integration of field, laboratory and experimental data.
EGU website:
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Vienna.
Michel Bestmann
University Erlangen, Germany
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Claudia Trepmann
University Bochum, Germany
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Michel Bestmann                        Phone: +49 (0)9131-8529026
GeoZentrum Nordbayern                               (0)9131-627448
University Erlangen-Nuremberg    mobile +49 (0)176 24828586
Schlossgarten 5
D-91054 Erlangen                          

Email: [log in to unmask]


