


Thanks for getting back to me. I was totally shocked and caused great anxiety is hearing the allegations made by Brian Gerrish and others, including a MEP, so I had to report this to the Police and others to enable full investigations to be carried out without any interferences, especially when 'abuse', include 'child abuse' is be alleged about 'common-purpose'.

As I said I was only sent the information about 'common-purpose' and I had to respond immediately and start to ask questions, especially whn abuse is be mentioned.

As you can see I have contacted Shami Chakrabarti and Lee Rodwell, at Liberty and contacted and reported 'common purpose' to Humberside Police, Rachel Hurst (DAA), Stehen Brookes MBE, National Disability Hate Crimes Co-ordinator, Disability Lib, RADAR and EHRC and many others and I've sent them all the evidence. My DPO (NeuroDiversity International) work as a Disabled Peoples' Organisation (DPO) human rights and civil liberties abuse, disability discrimination and disability hate crimes monitoring, educators and research 'with' the UN Disability Convention and numerous DPOs' and allies in the UK and across the globe.

I feel that I had a personal and professional moral and ethical duty to report and bring this information and abuse allegations to everyone, especially as I for one was very very scared when I received this information about 'common-purpose'.

I do hope you are right about 'common purpose' and something evil and sinister is not going on which is put all disabled people and others are risk of abuse, but the evidence about 'commn-purpodse' is out-there on the net for everyone to see and it is very convincing indeed, even being presented by MEP's and others.

So what is their 'hidden agenda' then?

As Humberside Police have informed me this morning I should let all the UN Disability Convention ( through Rachel Hurst/DisLiB), Shami Chakrabarti and Lee Rodwell, Liberty and other DPOs' and allies and Humberside Police now gather all the information about these abuse and 'hate-crimes' allegations being made openly about 'common purpose'. I have sent all of them this information I was sent and also what is open for everyone to access on the net and now I let them carry out their own investigations which I have reported now so we all need to let due process take its cause.

Colin Revell, CEO NeuroDiversity International... See copy Alice's email included below...

Common Purpose - Colin's post(s)þ
From:  The Disability-Research Discussion List ([log in to unmask]) on behalf of Alice Maynard ([log in to unmask])  
Sent: 22 November 2009 11:54:57 
To:  [log in to unmask] 
Well, this was good for a laugh once I'd finished choking on my coffee. Common Purpose is not a secret organisation, any more than UKDPC is. It has a very public website ( and its goal is not world domination, but greater participation in civic life, rather than apathy. Granted, it's about as good at diversity (especially reasonable adjustments) as many other organisations (including many in the disabled people's movement) but I would just encourage disabled people to join in and change that rather than criticise from the sidelines.Or perhaps we'd rather our society continues to crumble with fewer and fewer people participating or seeking to change the status quo?I do hope list members look at all sides, rather than taking Brian Gerrish's views at face value.But then, I'm a member of this sinister organisation, as a 'graduate' of Common Purpose, so evidently I'm already part of the conspiracy..............Alice  		 	   		  
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