

Any comments of or help would be much appreciated with this one.  I have recently spoken to a student with Dyslexia wishing to make digital videos of her notes and learning resouces as a revision/ learning strategy.  This is the first time I have been involved with such a request and even though I'm sceptical I would approciate some input.  The student uses a combination of written notes, mind maps diagrams and other media for learning and claims that she finds it difficult to keep track of her resources and often loses them.  Her idea is to video her various notes while giving a commentary so that the video will essentially provide access to all notes and information in one digital media.

I am concened from a practical basis that the student has unrealistic expectations of what can actually be acheived with video as this is just an idea and the student has no experience in using this technique.  At the moment I have not agreed to funding this through the DSA but in the interest of keeping an open mind I would be interested in any comments experience other assessors may have had.

Many thanks,

Mark Phillips