


one of many possible options to do this:

If you have the latest PHENIX installed 
(, then you can 
use "Reflection file editor" from the main GUI to do what you want.


On 11/17/09 9:49 AM, Alexandra Deaconescu wrote:
> Hello:
> I am switching from CNS to Refmac for refinement, and given that my FORTRAN classes were such a long time ago, I am having problems with the conversion. This is the format I give ccp4 (skipped the first 7 lines)
> '(6X,3F5.0,6X,F10.3,6X,F10.3,6X,F9.3/26X,F10.3,6X,F9.0)'
> and here is the beginning of my .cv
> NREFlection=     20349
>  ANOMalous=FALSe { equiv. to HERMitian=TRUE}
>  DECLare NAME=IOBS                   DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=REAL END
>  DECLare NAME=SIGI                   DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=REAL END
>  DECLare NAME=FOBS                   DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=REAL END
>  DECLare NAME=SIGMA                  DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=REAL END
>  DECLare NAME=TEST                   DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=INTE END
>  INDE     0    0    6 IOBS=     0.100 SIGI=     0.100 FOBS=     0.320
>                    SIGMA=     0.320 TEST=         0
>  INDE     0    0   15 IOBS=  1317.300 SIGI=    92.7
> The error I get is:
> List  reflection:    0
>   Symmetry to be listed
>>>>>>> CCP4 library signal mtz:MTZ header is corrupted: missing tokens in SYMINF record (Error)
> 	 raised in MtzGet <<<<<<
> Error: failed to open file for read!
>  ***  Error
>  Error reading in HKLIN
>  MTZDUMP:  *** Program Terminated 
> Times: User:       0.0s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:00  
> </pre>
> </html>
> ***************************************************************************
> * Information from CCP4Interface script
> ***************************************************************************
> The program run with command: /gware/ccp4-6.1.2/linux/bin/mtzdump HKLIN "/scratch/deacona/ALS_Aug09_290_1_mtz.tmp" 
> has failed with error message
> How can I fix this? Also, I just realized that I am running also into the problem that in CNS the test set has Rflag of 1 and in ccp4 it is 0. Is there a way to go around this? I realize that you can also assign 0 to the test set in CNS, but the .cv file has already been made, and I do not know how to easily edit it to convert the Rfreeflag to the ccp4 convention.
> I have also tried using the CUT pl script, but it seems it does not work (I did make it into an executable)
> Thanks a lot,
> Alex