

I think it is unrealistic to expect that everything that could be covered in this kind of programme can be. There are plenty of other aspects of the 20s that were not. No mention of the formation of the Communist Party, the Zinoview letter leading to the fall of the Labour Government, or of Saklatvala. It is easy to be critical. Its much more difficult to get recognition of the need. There are just so many people who need to influenced. However, until all the programmes have been seen and the book read it would be best to reserve judgement. If individuals are still concerned then they can write to Marr and ask him to explain why he did not have as much on Black and Asian people in Britain as they would like. 

One of the things can came across very clearly last night was the way Governments were prepared to use the armed forces against its citizens: in Glasgow, in Ireland, during the General Strike, and even the planned use of the RAF to bomb London workers in the event of revolution. 
