Hello Peter,

I am not sure whether this is of any interest to you. In this publication there are thousands of  XRF analyses of medieval coins. Most of them are silver coins, though, and the gold coins (some 400-500) are Islamic:

Illisch, L., Matzke, M., Stern, W. B. & Steuer, H. (eds). 2003. Dirham und Rappenpfennig–Mittelalterliche Münzprägungen in Bergbaureionen. Zeitschrift für Archäologie des Mittelalters. Beiheft 17 Habelt.

The book is still available through the publisher or the H. Steuer at the University of Freiburg, Germany


Am 23 Nov 2009 um 23:45 schrieb Peter:

Dear all,
Only about a 100 of immitation solidii are known. One of them, found at Blixembosch in Eindhoven in the Netherlands, was analysed with respect to its chemical composition. Now I am looking for more data on similar coins.
Can anybody help me ?
Best regards,
Peter Seinen
Archaeological Centre Eindhoven
Foundation Mergor in Mosam

Bastian Asmus
PhD candidate
UCL, Insitute of Archaeology 
University College London 
31-34 Gordon Square 
London WC1H 0PY