

Hi Sarah

We don't have either an R&B policy (yet) or a dress code but I know that 
some universities accommodate the security issue by providing that such 
checks will be made by female staff. It's also a potential issue for 
identity checks on entering examination rooms, of course.

Kind regards


Dr Felicity Cooke
Head of Equality and Diversity
University Offices
Wellington Square
Oxford OX1 2JD 
Tel: +44 (0)1865 289821
Email: [log in to unmask]

Sarah Guise <[log in to unmask]> 
Sent by: HE Administrators equal opportunities list 
<[log in to unmask]>
20/11/09 15:10
Please respond to
HE Administrators equal opportunities list <[log in to unmask]>

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Dress codes for students - niqab/burqa

Dear All,

It's that time of the week and I'm just (re)drafting a new religious
equality policy for students (we already have one but it mainly looks at
staffing issues). 

I considering the section on religious dress. I know that Imperial has a
dress code that, amongst other things, prohibits clothing that obscures
the face. Our (male) security staff are aware of this policy and feel
that they too should be able to match student ID (which shows the face)
with the person carrying it. Obviously this would apply to motorbike
helmets and the like as much as to Islamic dress, but it would need to
be applied consistently. If a female student wearing a full or half face
veil was asked to remove it by male security guards we could be in a
difficult, if rare, situation. 

Do other universities have a policy like Imperial's? Do you think it is
a 'proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim'? I am not aware of
any historical issues with security on our campus, but that's not to say
it couldn't be an issue in the future. What I am quite clear about is
that secularism cannot be used as an argument for prohibiting the burqa
or niqab but the security concerns may be appropriate. 

UCL's has an ambitious internationalisation agenda so it is really
important we get this right sooner rather than later.

Best wishes,


Sarah Guise
Equalities and Diversity Coordinator (acting)
HR Policy and Planning
1st Floor
90 Tottenham Court Road

but all mail to:
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT

Tel: 0207 679 9762 Internal 09762
Email: [log in to unmask] 

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