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> ...would love to be in a work environment where consultants actually...had personal experience with it or...realised its huge benefit, and ideally...had broad enough shoulders to stand their ground against anaesthetic resistance 
--> This sort of environment exists in many places - just look for it...   -;)
However, it is somewhat unfair and impolite to ask anaesthetists for their opinion about treatment for patients under conditions they are not familiar with and then "stand your ground" against the opinion you sought. Better to acknowledge that anaesthetists have their own issues and problems to sort out and leave emergency medication to the EM specialists...
Once you have found them, of course ;-)
> I also feel that the answer to the debate ‘haematoma block vs. Bier’s block for reduction of colle’s #’ may well be ...25 mg Ketamine i.v – it just works.
--> This debate took place in the last century and was solved even without ketamine.
Additionally, as much as I love ketamine, haematoma block may still be a useful tool for Colle's #. Don't chuck it away yet. You are fond of good examples, so consider a patient with such a fracture, manipulated under IV ketamine, then appropriately "recovered" from Ketamine and sent to X-ray, which shows further manipulation is required... A heamatoma block (done right and without allowing for excessive delays with check X-rays) will still be active for a second effort, but with ketamine you'll have to go again... 		 	   		  
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