

hi Winnie,

It's not unusual to have that much space used by atlas - look at the
software tags you're publishing to see just how many releases of the
ATLAS software you have installed! Most of this is for legacy support,
I believe - there are still people using surprisingly old releases of
the software - although I'm actually not sure that ATLAS cleans up
"ancient" releases as quickly as they could.

As for other, non-LHC VOs - there's barely any use at all (apart from,
as a special case, NGS...), mainly, I suspect, due to there not being
enough members to justify the whole sgm installer kaboodle.

Software space is volatile, yeah - and the big four VOs can reinstall
releases pretty quickly (<< 1 week for the entire ATLAS release set,
IIRC). On the other hand, do you want to encourage the VOs to install
even more ancient release than they already do? ;) RAID0 might be
better than 1 for performance reasons as well, though - despite
others' claims to the contrary, we've definitely seen our software
area get high load when a lot of jobs start up at once.


2009/10/26 Winnie Lacesso <[log in to unmask]>:
> Dear All,
> For new SL5 WN we'll have a new experiment software space.
> It would suit us to have it as 500GB. Current SL4 software space
> is hugely dominated by atlas:
> 2G    alice
> 263G  atlas
> 82G   cms
> 49G   lhcb
> Rest minimal.
> Is it normal to have so much atlas software? Is it possible to
> restrict atlas software space to a limit so that 500GB will fit all
> main LCG VOs into future?
> Re: other VOs: Bristol doesn't support many yet but hopefully will in
> future. What kind of experiment software space are they requiring - is
> anyone seeing large experiment software space use by non-LCG VOs?
> An option other than 1x500GB (RAID1) is 1TB RAID0 (2 x 500GB).
> Could all go kablooey. Software space is volatile anyway, innit?
> Grateful for advice