

Hi Peter.

That worked a treat, thanks. The other question I had is can I view
the quality in gaia? NDFTRACE shows that the fie has data,quality &
variance components, but gaia's 'Select NDF in container file' has
both 'hasvar' and 'hasqual' as false, and only the data button is not
greyed out when the file is selected.


On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Peter W. Draper
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Oct 2009, David Nutter wrote:
>> I've put the file in the following dir.
>> One difference that I noticed between this file and others. When Gaia
>> does eventually produce a trace, it has drawn error bars at each point
>> of the time series. Is it the calculation and drawing of these bars
>> that is causing Gaia to lock up? Can these be disabled?
> Hi Dave,
> thanks, actually this final point is the issue.
> To stop drawing the error bars just unselect that option in the spectral
> extraction window (Options->Error bars). This is a persistent option so once
> deselected will remain set or unset. If you get bored waiting for GAIA to
> respond so you can switch this off you can reset this before starting GAIA
> by editing the file ~/.skycat/properties. Look for the line that says
> "GaiaSpectralPlot:use_errors_ = 1" and change 1 that to 0.
> When I find a moment I'll have look at what is slowing this down.
> Cheers,
> Peter.
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Peter W. Draper
>> <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> On Wed, 30 Sep 2009, David Nutter wrote:
>>>> Whilst trying to get my head round the scuba2 mapmaker, I found that
>>>> the _res file created by the DIMM locks up gaia.
>>>> I've tried this with some jupiter maps from 20090107, both the 00007
>>>> and 00006 file-sets.
>>>> The command I'm running is the following
>>>> makemap 's4d20090107_00007_000?' jupiter 3 method=iterate
>>>> config=\"^/star/share/smurf/dimmconfig.lis,exportndf=\(com,ast,flt,res,noi,qua\)
>>>> \"
>>>> The _res file displays fine using linplot, but if I open it in gaia
>>>> and click the mouse on one of the detectors, processor use goes to
>>>> 100% and stays there for about 5 mins, and gaia stops responding.
>>>> 5 mins later, a trace appears, but any attempt to do anything
>>>> (including moving one of the dialog windows) send gaia back to it's 5
>>>> mins of thinking.
>>>> Removing the "noi,qua" from the makemap command, causes makemap to
>>>> produce a residuals file that has no variance component, and this file
>>>> views fine in gaia, which half solves the problem (unless you're
>>>> interested in seeing the variance).
>>>> I don't know if this is a Gaia issue or a makemap issue, or if I'm
>>>> just doing something silly, or residuals files are realy that
>>>> complicated..
>>>> This is all running nanahope on SL5.2 64-bit.
>>> Hi Dave,
>>> tried this all out on the 00006 files and when I pop up the _rel file
>>> into
>>> GAIA I don't see any problems, the spectral extraction window just opens
>>> up
>>> and displays various timeseries (I'm also using the 64-bit nanahope
>>> release).
>>> So could you make your file available, so I can check that?
>>> Also can someone at JAC try this out under Centos (was the nanahope build
>>> under 5.3 or 5.2?).
>>> Peter.
>>> --
>>> Peter W. Draper,
> --
> Peter W. Draper,