Dear Colleagues


I am currently evaluating the use of e-portfolios for staff and student PDP(personal development planning) and tutoring purposes in HE for my University.  If you are involved in using e-portfolios at your HE institution I wonder whether you would mind spending a few minutes answering the questions below and returning them to my via email.

Many thanks for your time.


  1. Are you or any others at your HEI using an e-portfolio system for a) staff PDP b) student PDP c) any other purpose?


  1. If the answer to 1) a, b or c above is yes, is this use and support institution-wide or just in one faculty, school or department, or part of the HEI?


  1. Which e-portfolio software system/s does your HEI use?


  1. Do you use any other electronic means for PDP and/ or personal tutoring support at your HEI?  And if ‘yes’ what software/system/s do you use?


  1. Do staff doing the PG Cert in HE/ Cert in HE or equivalent qualification use e-portfolios?


Thank-you very much of your time


Dr Clare Power

Academic Staff Development Co-ordinator

Bath Spa University