

Hi Bart,

A getfolders() function has been on the to-do list for a while --- I'll move it 
to the top.

Below is an Ox program that gets the folders under Windows. It is a bit of a 
hack, and probably not a very robust solution, but it works on my machine 
(Windows XP).

Of course, Jaap's suggestion would be more robust and avoid the temporary file.

Best, Jurgen

#include <oxstd.h>

     // use TEMP environment folder to store output of dir
     decl tmpfile = getenv("TEMP") ~ "\\folders.lst";

     // only directories, short output; redirect to the tmpfile
     decl ret = systemcall("dir /B/AD *.* > " ~ tmpfile);
     if (ret != 0)
         return {};

     // now open and read the file
     decl file = fopen(tmpfile, "r");
     if (!isfile(file))
         return {};

     decl asfolders = {}, sfile;
     while (!feof(file))
         // read the file line by line until the end
         if (fscan(file, "%z", &sfile) == 1)
             asfolders ~= sfile;
     // return as an array of strings
     return asfolders;

//  chdir("D:\\Waste");
     println("Current folder: ", getcwd());

     decl asfolders = GetFoldersWindows();
     if (sizeof(asfolders))
         println("Subfolders of current folder: ", asfolders);
         println("No subfolders found");

oxoxoxox US OxMetrics user conference 2010
oxoxoxox George Washington University, Washington DC
oxoxoxox 18-19 March 2010
Dr Jurgen A Doornik
University of Oxford, Nuffield College, Oxford OX1 1NF
tel. UK: +44-1865-278610    fax  +44-1865-278621

Bart Frijns wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about how to get an array of folders in Ox. I can use 
> the command getfiles("*.*") to get all files and getcwd() to get the 
> current folder, but I cannot see the other folders I have. Is there a 
> solution to this?
> Thanks,
> Bart