

NHS Evidence - ethnicity and health 

AA service supplied to NHS Evidence by CEEHD


Newsletter - 6

October 2009


The newsletter highlights news and developments in ethnicity and health,
lists additions to our collection and provides information on
forthcoming events. 





NHS Evidence - ethnicity and health Annual Evidence Update 2009 

We will be producing our annual evidence update the week beginning 19th
October. To view the topics for this year click on this link
<>  from the 19th onwards. 


You can also visit the site that week to see the latest information for
ethnic groups about A/H1N1 (swine flu). 


Muslim leaders join smoking campaign

A campaign aimed at reducing smoking and heart disease in the Asian
community will include over 300 Imams and community workers.


The higher smoking rate in the Muslim community places individuals at a
twofold increased risk of heart attack
=ccf9fd4b740d7bb19c631325a1427a9d> .  


The British Heart Foundation
<>  is now leading a
campaign to help Asian smokers quit their habit.


A spokesman for the Ramadan Healthy Life campaign said, "This campaign
aims to make sure that anyone looking to quit gets the help and support
they need to make a change for the better". Imams and community Mosques
have previously
D=290>  been used to promote a healthy lifestyle in the Asian community.


Entitlement to treatment?

The Department of Health has produced guidance
D=288>  for primary and secondary healthcare staff when treating asylum
seekers and refugees following the Court of Appeal judgement of 30th
March 2009.  


Faith based health services for Muslims?

Muslims currently have the poorest overall health profile in Britain.
Arguing that the UK should provide specific health services for Muslims,
this article
>  has caused some debate. Responses to the article, published in
January, and other relevant articles can be found after the main text.



New Additions

The following resources have been added to the ethnicity and health
specialist collection during August and September. 



Alcohol-related and hepatocellular cancer deaths by country of birth in
England and Wales: analysis of mortality and census data

A comparison of mortality rates by country of birth for alcohol-related
conditions, liver disease and hepatocellular cancer (HCC) to explore
potential inequalities and inform clinical and preventative care.


Breast health information needs of women from minority ethnic groups

Determining the breast health and breast cancer screening information
needs of women from minority ethnic groups is the object of this
literature review.


Inequalities in reported use of breast and cervical screening in Great
Britain: analysis of cross sectional survey data

This study investigates the relationship between reported use of breast
and cervical screening services by women and sociodemographic


Mortality from all cancers and lung, colorectal, breast and prostate
cancer by country of birth in England and Wales, 2001-2003

Using England and Wales as a reference group this study combined
mortality from all cancers and major cancers among men and women aged 20
years and over and compared them by country of birth.



Cardiovascular Diseases:

African Caribbean hypertensive patients' perceptions and utilization of
primary health care services

Hypertension remains a major health issue amongst immigrant and UK born
African Caribbean people. This study investigates African Caribbean
hypertensive patient's access, utilization and perceptions of primary
health care.


Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and established risk factors among
populations of sub-Saharan African descent in Europe: a literature

The leading cause of death globally is cardiovascular disease (CVD).
This review looks at the current understanding of the epidemiology of
vascular disease, diabetes and related risk factors among populations of
sub-Saharan African descent in comparison with European populations.


Ethnicity and peripheral artery disease

This article focuses predominantly on people of south Asian, black
Caribbean and black African descent to identify possible
pathophysiological differences between ethnic groups for peripheral
artery disease.


Widening access to cardiovascular healthcare : community screening among
ethnic minorities in inner-city Britain: the Healthy Hearts Project

The majority of cases of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Britain occur
in inner city areas including those with diverse multi-ethnic
populations. This study describes a health screening project that took
place in Sandwell, Birmingham.



Client Groups:

Ageing & ethnicity: a demographic profile of BME older people in England

Voluntary and statutory agencies working with and providing services for
older people from BME communities are the target audience for this


Arranging and negotiating the use of informal interpreters in general
practice consultations: experiences of refugees and asylum seekers in
the west of Ireland

An investigation into the work involved for service users in arranging
the use of informal interpreters primarily from their social networks
for general practice consultations.


Dietary beliefs and behaviour of a UK Somali population

While Somalis comprise one of the largest asylum seeking populations in
the UK, little is known of how this migration has affected traditional
beliefs about food and eating habits. This study looks at their dietary
beliefs and self reported eating behaviours.


Intergenerational continuities of ethnic inequalities in general health
in England

Although previous research suggests that ethnic minority groups are more
likely to suffer a poorer health profile than the general population, it
is still unclear whether these inequalities pass through subsequent
generations. This study aims to discover to what degree if any ethnic
inequalities are passed from the first generation to the second.


National Child Measurement Programme: 2007/2008 school year headline

This report by the Department of Health reviews the results of the
National Child Measurement Programme.


Physical activity and sedentary behaviours of south Asian and white
European children in inner city secondary schools in the UK

Children of south Asian origin have been shown to have increased
prevalence of obesity and evidence of insulin resistance. Low levels of
physical activity are becoming increasingly linked to obesity. This
study investigates the levels of physical activity and sedentary
behaviours in secondary school pupils in the UK and compares south Asian
and white European children and those with or without a family history
of cardiovascular disease.


Potential barriers to the use of health services among ethnic
minorities: a review

Care providers can at times be oblivious to the barriers some ethnic
minority patients can be confronted with when accessing health services.
This review aims to present an overview of these potential barriers.


The role of ethnicity in end-of-life care in care homes for older people
in the UK: a literature review

Little is known about the numbers of black and minority ethnic older
people in care homes or the extent to which their end of life care needs
are met. This paper summarises the current research evidence on cultural
issues relating to ethnicity in end-of-life care homes.


'We are not blaming anyone, but if we don't know about amenities, we
cannot seek them out': black and minority older people's views on the
quality of local health and personal social services in England

Part of the National Service Framework for Older People (NSFOP) was
improving access to culturally-appropriate services and doing more to
meet the needs of black and minority ethnic (BME) older people. A
mid-term independent review of NSFOP was led by the Healtcare
Commission; this paper reports on the consultation process with older
people that underpins that review.


What is FGM?

This patient information brochure on female genital mutilation (FGM) is
the 4th in AFRUCA's Safeguarding African Children in the UK series.



Cultural Competence:

Exclusion on grounds of language ability - a reporting gap in health
services research?

A review looking at the exclusion of potential participants from
research studies on the basis of language ability.


The role of culture in the general practice consultation process

The importance of culture and ethnicity in the general practice
consultation process is the purpose of this review. The review also aims
to provide a detailed understanding of how white and south Asian
patients communicate with white general practitioners and to explore
similarities and differences in communication between these groups.




Differences in the process of diabetic care between south Asian and
white patients in inner-city practices in Nottingham, UK

Some evidence exists to suggest that there are differences in access to
healthcare in the UK for different ethnic groups; this study looks at
differences in the process of diabetic care provided to white and south
Asian patients.


Educational interventions for migrant south Asians with type 2 diabetes:
a systematic review

The scope of published assessments of educational initiatives for south
Asians with type 2 diabetes is the focus of this systematic review that
also includes a consideration of the effectiveness of reported


Predicting risk of type 2 diabetes in England and Wales: prospective
derivation and validation of QDScore

A development and validation of a new diabetes risk algorithm (the
QDScore) for estimating 10 year risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes over a
10 year time period in an ethnically and socio-economically diverse


Review article: diabetes, genetics and ethnicity

There is evidence that the prevalence of insulin resistance and diabetes
has increased dramatically over the past few decades in western
countries. This is now also evident in countries that are adopting a
western lifestyle. Previous studies in multiethnic populations suggest
that some ethnic groups may have a predisposition to diabetes. This
review looks at the evidence available for the influence of genetic
factors in relation to insulin resistance and diabetes and ethnicity.



Infectious Diseases:

The impact of immigration on tuberculosis rates in the United Kingdom
compared with other European countries

An investigation into whether trends in tuberculosis (TB) rates across
Europe are linked to patterns of migration.


Migrant workers from the EU Accession countries: a demographic overview
of those living and working in England and Wales and a comparison of
infectious disease and immunisation rates in the Accession countries
with those in the UK

Twelve countries have joined the EU since May 2004 including Latvia,
Lithuania, Poland, Malta and Romania. This report describes the
demography of migrants from these twelve countries and compares the
infectious disease rates in each of these Accession countries with the
UK population in general.  


Rubella seroprevalence in pregnant women in North Thames: estimates
based on newborn screening samples

Routine screening for rubella susceptibility is important so that women
found to be susceptible can be offered immunisation in the post partum
period. This study demonstrates the use of newborn dried blood spot
samples that are linked to routine vital statistics datasets to monitor
the susceptibility to rubella in pregnant women and investigates
maternal characteristics as determinants of rubella seronegativity. 


Tuberculosis outbreak associated with a mosque: challenges of large
scale contact tracing

This report describes the investigation and management of an outbreak of
tuberculosis (TB) associated with a mosque in Scotland. 



Management and Policy:

Most UK datasets of routinely collected health statistics fail to
collect information on ethnicity and religion

The inclusion of ethnic information in existing datasets for research is
discussed in this article.


Why poor quality of ethnicity data should not preclude its use for
identifying disparities in health and healthcare

Concerns over the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of ethnicity
data are long standing; this review aims to identify incompleteness of
ethnicity data across routine health and healthcare datasets.



Mental Health:

Ageing, ethnicity and psychiatric services

In 2001 the Royal College of Psychiatrists produced a report concluding
that black and minority ethnic older people had received little
attention from psychiatric services. One of the recommendations of the
report currently under review is the introduction of a database of good
practice and increased research.


Caught between stigma and inequality: black and minority ethnic
communities and mental well-being in Kensington & Chelsea and

The BME Communities and Mental Well-Being KCW task group was launched in
October 2003, the aim of the project was to assess community experiences
and perceptions of local mental health care services to identify unmet
needs and recommend improvements to better serve black and minority
ethnic communities in Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster.


Culture and care in dementia: a study of the Asian community in North
West Kent

This report is the result of a project conducted over two years to
explore the service related needs of Asian older people with dementia
and their carers in Dartford and Gravesham.


Delivering race equality focused implementation site project 2005 -
2008: evaluation report

The Focused Implementation Site Project took place between 2005 and 2008
in the London boroughs of Brent, Harrow, Westminster and Kensington &
Chelsea. This is the evaluation report of that project.


Health needs of prisoners in England and Wales: the implications for
prison healthcare of gender, age and ethnicity

An identification of the healthcare needs of prisoners in relation to
gender, age and ethnicity is the purpose of this literature review.


Psychiatric services for black and minority ethnic elders

The provision of psychiatric services for black and minority ethnic
older people is investigated in this report.


South Asian women, psychological distress and self-harm: lessons for
primary care trusts

The self reported needs of south Asian women suffering distress and
mental health problems which may lead to self-harm and suicide were
investigated by this paper with an aim to defining indicators of good
practice for primary care in this area.




Challenges of ethnicity in SLE

Systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE) occurs worldwide and is
particularly common in patients of African descent in Europe and North
America and those of an Asian origin. The disease is associated with
significant morbidity and mortality.


The prevalence and incidence of biopsy-proven lupus nephritis in the UK:
Evidence of an ethnic gradient

Renal involvement is a major complication of systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) as well as being a strong determinant of morbidity
and mortality. This study the first on the epidemiology of lupus
nephritis aims to establish the prevalence and incidence of
biopsy-proven lupus nephritis in the northwest of England (2001) and to
examine the influence of age, sex and ethnicity.


The prevalence and incidence of systemic lupus erythematosus in
Birmingham, England: relationship to ethnicity and country of birth

This study aimed to establish the point prevalence of systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) on 1st January 1992 and the incidence of SLE in
Birmingham, England. 


Systemic lupus erythematosus in three ethnic groups: II. Features
predictive of disease activity early in its course. LUMINA Study Group.
Lupus in minority populations, nature versus nurture

Factors associated with disease activity in patients who have recently
developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who are of Hispanic,
African-American or Caucasian ethnicity is explored in this study.



Neurological Disorders:

Ischemic stroke in south Asians: a review of the epidemiology,
pathophysiology, and ethnicity-related clinical features

Mortality from stroke in the UK is higher among south Asians than those
of white ethnicity. This review aims to present a comprehensive and
systematic overview of the available literature related to ischemic
stroke in south Asians.


Survival differences after stroke in a multiethnic population: follow-up
study with the South London stroke register

An examination into ethnic differences in survival after stroke and the
factors that influence this. 



Reproductive Health: 

Social and ethnic differences in folic acid use preconception and during
early pregnancy in the UK: effect on maternal folate status

Folate supplementation can play an important part in preventing neural
tube defects, this investigation looks at periconception folic acid
supplement use in a socially deprived, ethnically diverse population.



Respiratory Disorders:

Culture-specific programs for children and adults from minority groups
who have asthma

People with asthma who come from minority groups have poorer asthma
outcomes and more asthma related visits to Emergency Departments (ED).
Various programmes are used to educate and empower people with asthma
and these have previously been shown to improve certain asthma outcomes.
Models of care for chronic diseases in minority groups usually include a
focus of the cultural context of the individual and not just the
symptoms of the disease. Therefore, questions about whether culturally
specific asthma education programmes for people from minority groups are
effective at improving asthma outcomes, are feasible and are
cost-effective need to be answered.



Service Delivery:

A description of some aspects of the triangular meeting between
immigrant patients, their interpreters and GPs in primary health care in
Stockholm, Sweden.

This study is the first to combine the perspectives of immigrant
patients, interpreters and general practitioners (GP's) during a
consultation, the study's main aim was to describe some aspects of this
consultation but also to measure patient satisfaction and whether
interpreters or GP's experienced ethnic conflict during the


Influence of practices' ethnicity and deprivation on access to
angiography: an ecological study

Past studies from primary care have found reduced access to angiography
for lower social class groups, this study looks at the influence of
ethnicity and social deprivation on access to angiography in general


Patients' experiences and expectations of general practice: a
questionnaire study of differences by ethnic group

Previous research has highlighted variations in morbidity, mortality and
health needs by ethnic group. This study looks at the experience and
expectations of different ethnic groups in their general practice



Forthcoming Events:



eQuality of Care Tackling Health Inequalities in Emergency Care

A seminar for NHS Ambulance Trusts and other stakeholders. 


Mixed race, mixed racism and mental health

A one day conference to explore mental health service issues affecting
mixed race families and young people.



careif 2009: International Conference. Sport, Education & Culture:
Promoting Health, Wellbeing and Positive Identities for Young People.

This conference is to share knowledge and expertise among a community of
young people and educationalists, sport industry specialists, sports
personalities and researchers, sports medicine specialists, educational
psychologists, sports psychologists, teachers, practitioners in mental
health care, managers, policy makers, commissioners, and leaders in
health promotion. This conference is part of a programme which helps
build the

legacy of the 2012 games.



Concepts of Epidemiology Course

This is the 5th Concepts of Epidemiology Course following on the success
of previous short Epidemiology courses between 2005 and 2008 



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Formerly known as the Specialist Library for Ethnicity and Health (SLEH)