

Dear colleagues

Would you be willing to help me in a very small way with a piece of research I am currently undertaking?  In association with Picturehouse Cinemas (London), I am investigating the emergence in the last year of the streaming of live performances of opera, theatre, and ballet to cinemas around the UK.

For myself, I am interested in the ways in which these performances may throw light on the meanings of 'liveness' for different kinds of audiences.  'Liveness' is of course a topic that has been the subject of extensive debates, but very differently within the two spheres of television and new media studies, and theatre and performance studies.  To my knowledge, there is very little in the way of a consideration of this from an audience perspective, and that is what I am hoping to open up.  Picturehouse Cinemas meantime are trying to learn more about what contributes to, or diminishes, audience pleasure and participation in these events.  The research as I have designed it will hopefully make contributions to both interests.

The research is being advertised at a number of the venues - but not all of them - where such streamed performances have taken place.  You could help me greatly if you are in a position to do either of the following two things:

1.      Complete the short questionnaire that is available online, if you have been to any of these events yourself, recently, or indeed if you go to any between now and Christmas.  It can be found at:<>.

2.      Let other people know about the questionnaire, by simply forwarding this message to likely individuals or places.

I will be enormously grateful for your help in either of these directions.

Best wishes,
Martin Barker
Research Professor, Department of Theatre, Film & Television Studies
Aberystwyth University.
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