Hi, FSL experts:
I am trying to make a design matrix for  the timeseries model  for the  Post-Stats in MElODIC, so I could get the Z-statistics and p-value for the defined contrasts with the IC maps.
I have two conditions in each run and I want to make three contrasts, cond1-fixation, cond2-fixation,cond1-cond2.
The problem is that the order of the two conditions are different acoss total 7 runs of each subject, in other words, I have an unique experimental design for each run.
When I specified the two conditions as two EVs and try to use the 3 column format in the Glm Gui to automatically generate the design.mat and design.con for Post-Stats of Single-session ICA for only one run , it seems work perfectly. But when I want to conduct Multi-session temporal concatenation for total 7runs, I don't know how to write the design matrix for the concatenated data derived from 7runs. It seems not reasonable to combine all the time points of 7 runs together since they belong to different runs, right? Does any one know how to define such a design matrix for Multi-session temporal concatenation ICA, or if the MELODIC can only concatenate input datas of same experimental design?
Best Wishes!

Zonglei Zhen, PhD
Assistant Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
BNU Imaging Center for Brain Research, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, P.R. China