

What is Radical Politics Today?

Debate and book launch

1.30pm, 25th November 2009, Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London, SW1Y 5BJ

Hosted by:
Catherine Fieschi (Director of Counterpoint, The Think Tank of the British Council;
Jonathan Pugh (Director, the Spaces of Democracy and the Democracy of Space network;
Dan Porter (Marketing Executive, Palgrave Macmillan).

Those who are interested in attending should contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

The discussion on 25th November will include ...
Doreen Massey, Saskia Sassen and David Chandler.


What is Radical Politics Today?

Published November 2009, by Palgrave Macmillan

Edited by Jonathan Pugh, Senior Academic Fellow, Newcastle University

A crisis makes you re-think your life. The recent economic crisis is no exception. All of us are now thinking how the world could be run differently. Despite this, a radical alternative has hardly emerged to mobilise the masses, which begs the question: What is radical politics today? In this book, leading academics, politicians, journalists and activists attempt to pinpoint an answer, debating the issues facing radical politics in the 21st Century. Rarely united in their opinions, they collectively interrogate the character and spirit of being radical in our times.

Including original contributions from Zygmunt Bauman, Frank Furedi, Paul Kingsnorth, James Heartfield, Terrell Carver, Clare Short, Edward W. Soja, David Chandler, Hilary Wainwright, Dora Apel, Michael J. Watts, Jason Toynbee, James Martin, Jeremy Gilbert and Jo Littler, Doreen Massey, Gregor McLennan, Tariq Modood, Nick Cohen, Amir Saeed and David Bates, Alastair Bonnett, Ken Worpole, Sheila Jasanoff, Nigel Thrift, Will Hutton, Saul Newman, Chantal Mouffe, David Featherstone, Alejandro Colas and Jason Edwards, David Boyle, and Saskia Sassen.

The project is ongoing, through the Radical Politics Today magazine and events (see

To purchase the book
Order online at
or visit your local bookseller.

Hardback 978-0-230-23625-7
Paperback 978-0-230-23626-4

Those who come to the book launch, or attend Spaces of Democracy and Democracy of Space events more generally, will get 25% off the paperback purchase price.

Keys themes of ‘What is Radical Politics Today?’

 *   A wide-ranging survey of the spirit and character of radical politics at this pivotal moment in history.
 *   Thirty influential commentators write original 3000 word essays.
 *   Offers thought provoking and often conflicting opinions.
 *   Accessibly written for the general public and student audiences.

Recommendations for ‘What is Radical Politics Today?’

‘This is a bold, brave and timely book. As we emerge, blinking into the
light after three decades of neo-liberal darkness, Jonathan Pugh has
put together a collection of essays that will provoke and provide clues
to the question of what comes next; what indeed is radical politics
today ?’
— Neal Lawson (Chair, Compass)

'This collection is a model for the kinds of discussion we need to move forward.'

— Michael Hardt, co-author of Empire, Multitude and Commonwealth

' … we need this sort of sustained critical discussion of the kinds of alternative politics available to us.'
— James Tully (University of Victoria).

'…a major contribution to the ongoing debate on the problems of our times.'

— Lord Bhikhu Parekh

' … what sort of Left can win hearts and minds in this moment of crisis?
The answers to these important questions are the stuff of this excellent book.'
— Noel Castree (Manchester University).

'With impeccable timing, this volume provides a stimulating range of perspectives

on what radical politics can offer during this period of crisis and change.

It deserves to be widely read and debated.'

— Ruth Lister (Loughborough University).