

Dear all,

I am looking for the bibliographical reference for these two documents that
someone gave me without any information (see the link below for attachment).

It's about the epiphysis stages for cattle and red deer. It looks german.
Does anybody know about it and from which publication it comes from ?

Thank you for helping me.

Charlotte LEDUC
Doctorante de l'Université Paris I
UMR 7041 - Equipe Archéologies environnementales
Maison de l'Archéologie et de l'Ethnologie
21 allée de l'Université - CC 05
92023 NANTERRE Cedex    - FRANCE
Tél./Fax. : 33 (0)1 46 69 24 35
           33 (0)6 24 33 71 58
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