

Dear Karen,

Here is a burnt fishbone reference:

  Steffen, Martina  and Quentin Mackie
	2006	An Experimental Approach to Understanding Burnt Fish Bone  
Assemblages within Archaeological Hearth Contexts. Canadian  
Zooarchaeology 23:11–40.


	Iain McKechnie

Tue, 22 Sep 2009 11:44:31 +0200
From:    Karen van Niekerk <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: burnt fish bone references

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Dear All,

I am looking for references on differential burn patterns on bones that
still have flesh attached. I'm particularly interested in those  
referring to
fish, in this instance I have several spines that are only burnt on the
distal ends. But I will be happy for any suggestions, even if it does  
refer to fish in particular.

I am aware of Gifford-Gonzalez 1989 (Ethnographic analogues for  
modified bones: some cases from East Africa. In: Bonnichsen, R., Sorg,  
(Eds.), Bone

Modification. Centre for the Study of the First Americans, Institute for
Quaternary Studies, University of Maine, pp. 179-246.) but do not have
access to it.

I do have Asmussen 2009 Intentional or incidental thermal modification?
Analysing site occupation via burned bone, JAS 36.

Thank you,

Karen van Niekerk