

Here's a note from Jeanie. Wish her luck, and good thoughts. 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jeanie <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 1 septembre 2009 19:29:12 HAEC
To: Roger Kuin <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Fire and leaving

I am near Mount Wilson, the communication center for So Cal, and JPL--Jet Propulsion Lab, and the fire fighters are working very hard to protect those structures.

The smoke is very bad and is supposed to remain that way.  I have been inside with my pollen filters running, but I am going to Flagstaff, AZ tomorrow. Maybe the worst of it will clear up by early next week.- I

It is like living in a battle zone with helicoptors zooming around and huge trucks parked along nearby cross streets.
My sons are insisting that I leave because of the smoke, and my Dad and brother are now calling me all the time.  So, it isn't very quiet.



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