

Good Morning everyone -

We're busily ploughing through the Gov Connect implementation - and we're 
generating a useful list of FAQ's to resolve. Particularly like to hear from other 
LA's who might meet this raised by a Councillor which relates to 'protective 
marking' - 

' .....  in relation to the unclassified information which seems to imply that it 
will not be regarded as being confidential unless there is some markings or 
designation upon it. ...".

His point was that it is one thing being regular users of protective marking and 
familiar with 'restricted' etc and quite another being a member of the general 
public who only knows 'private and confidential' or  'assumes' that their info is 
confidential. Is anyone regarding this as an issue? 

Would appreciate any comments or advice to clear my own thoughts.


Robert Hogarth

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