

Thanks Shelley, your email is really helpful.







From: Practitioner-Researcher
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Shelley Tracey
Sent: 09 September 2009 20:04
To: [log in to unmask]


Brendan, I am theorising in this creative way for my PhD - using poetry,
collage, film and other arts-based methods. I'm bending the limits of
language and of the PhD itself. The theme of the PhD is teacher creativity,
so I suppose that makes it kind of appropriate for me to do so. Research and
meaning-makign are creative, aren't they?.  You need a supportive supervisor
who has that kind of background. . (I'm lucky enough to have a great one).
There's a chapter on PhDs using arts-based approaches in a wonderful book,
Handbook of The Arts in Qualitative Research. It's published by Sage (i
think it was 2007 or 2008) and the editors  are Gary Knowles and Ardra L.







From: Practitioner-Researcher [[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of brendan cronin [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 09 September 2009 19:44
To: [log in to unmask]

I too went to the BERA conference and some thoughts came to me.  How does
one begin to theorise in an interesting way rather than just nicking other
people's ideas?  Can one Stronach-like start to play around with language,
concepts in a weird post-modern way?  I've done 2 MAs but not a Phd.  Can
one theorise in this creative way at Phd level?  How can one bend the limits
of language?


Second, how does the debate about creativity relate to epistemology?  I
studied under Vic Kelly at Goldsmith's in 1986  - tremendous stuff, very
philosophical, analysing concepts.  Is there value in analysing the
epistemological position underpinning various formulations of creativity?




Brendan Cronin