

medieval-religion: Scholarly discussions of medieval religion and culture

Dear colleagues,
I am running behind on this for reasons tied to my library roles.
More will be coming soon.
Tom Izbicki


Le radici storiche dell’antisemetismo, ed. M. Caffiero (Roma: Viella, 2009).

E. Gambin, Trivia nelle tre corone: I volti di Diana nelle opera did 
ante, Petrarca, Boccaccio (Padova: Il poligrafo, 2009).

I detti islamici di Gesu, ed. S. Chiala, trans. I. de Francesco (Roma: 
Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, 2009).

Spanish and Portuguese:

L. Gomez Garcia, Diccionario de islam ye islamismo (Madrid: Espasa 
Calpe, 2009).


C. Millimono, La secte des Assassins, XIe-XIIIe siècle (Paris: 
L’Harmattan, 2009).

C. Mazzoli-Guintard, Madrid: petite ville de l’Islam mediieval, IXe-XXIe 
siecles (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2009).

Des Tibbonides a Maimonide: rayonnement des Juifs andalous en pays d’Oc 
medieval, ed. D. Iancu-Agou & E. Nicolas (Paris: Cerf, 2009).

M.R. Hayoun, Maimonide (Paris: Ellipses, 2009).


G.T. Beech, the brief eminence and doomed fall of Islamic Saragosa 
(Zaragoza: Instituto de Estudios Islamicos y del Oriente Proximo, 2008).


Fragments from the Italian Genizah, ed. M. Perani (Firenze: Giuntina, 
2009). [exhibit catalog. English & Hebrew]

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