hello all,
when i  use "fslmerge" & "3d to 4d" tool in spm5 to merge a group of  .hdr/.img file into a 4D file(.nii and .nii.gz) separately. i find that the image result showed in “fslview” is really different.
then i find before merging into 4D file, just use “fslview” and spm5's “display” tool to check the same .hdr/.img file, the result is also different. the .hdr/img images showed in "fslview" are grey while showed in spm5 are more normal as we see usually.

any body have these experience? can you tell me why?

Best regards!

Sen-Hua Zhu
Department of Psychology
Sun Yat-sen University
135 Xingang West Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou (510275), P.R.China