

FMR 34 – to be published in February 2009 – will include a major feature 
section on Urban displacement

Deadline for submission of articles: 28th September 2009
Maximum length: 2,500 words.

This issue of FMR will provide a forum for practitioners, advocates, 
policymakers and researchers who are working in and researching urban 
displacement to share experiences, debate perspectives and offer 
recommendations. It will address issues relating to people displaced 
into or between urban environments (defined as in or around cities, 
towns or large villages).

The full call for articles, with a list of questions about aspects of 
urban displacement to be addressed, is online at

Please email the Editors at [log in to unmask] if you are interested in 
contributing or have suggestions of colleagues or community 
representatives who may wish to contribute. We are particularly keen to 
reflect the experiences and knowledge of communities and individuals 
directly affected by urban displacement.

If you are planning to write, we would be grateful if you would take 
note of our Guidelines for Contributors at: 

With apologies for cross-posting.

Marion Couldrey & Maurice Herson
Editors, Forced Migration Review

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