

A good response to these rather unusual commentaries was just written 
by Dr Howard Brody for his Hooked: Ethics, Medicine and Pharma blog here:

For a more logical discussion of the effects of conflict of interest, 
and its disclosure, on how one should evaluate clinical research, see 
this article:
Greenland S. Accounting for uncertainty about investigator bias: 
disclosure is informative. J Epidemiol Community Health 2009; 63: 
593-598. Link <>here, 
requires subscription.

For those without a subscription, I summarized its main points on the 
Health Care Renewal blog here:

At 06:58 PM 8/31/2009, Jean Levasseur wrote:
>Thaught these may be of interest to the group.
>Fresh and free from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
>Cheers !
>Jean Levasseur MD, MSc
>Joliette, QC, Canada

Roy M. Poses MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Brown University School of Medicine
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